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ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK is July's "Read with Jenna" Today Show Book Club Pick

Chris Whitaker has written a soaring thriller and an epic love story about what lurks in the shadows of obsession and the blinding light of hope.

THE LION WOMEN OF TEHRAN is Marjan Kamali's Long-Awaited New Book

This heartfelt, epic novel of friendship, betrayal and redemption is set against three transformative decades in Tehran, Iran.

SHELTERWOOD is Lisa Wingate's Highly Anticipated New Work of Historical Fiction

The book is inspired by the untold history of women pioneers who fought to protect children from land barons hungry for power and oil wealth.

Kevin Kwan Unfurls a Juicy, Hilarious, Sophisticated and Thrillingly Plotted Story

A forbidden affair erupts volcanically amid a decadent tropical wedding in LIES AND WEDDINGS, an outrageous comedy of manners.

Kimberly Belle's New Edge-of-Your-Seat Thriller is an Irresistible, Fast-Paced Read

In THE PARIS WIDOW, a dream vacation turns deadly when secrets from the past catch up to a married couple in Paris.

Freida McFadden Has Penned the Third Installment in Her Housemaid Series

Once you start THE HOUSEMAID IS WATCHING, it will have you up all night racing through the pages until the final explosive twist.

Latest Features and Contests's Word of Mouth Contest: Tell Us What You've Read --- and You Can Win Two Books!

Let us know by Friday, July 12th at noon ET what books you’ve read, and you’ll have a chance to win ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK by Chris Whitaker and THE GOD OF THE WOODS by Liz Moore in our Word of Mouth contest.

The newly released ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK is July's "Read with Jenna" Today Show Book Club pick and an upcoming Bets On selection. THE GOD OF THE WOODS, which releases on July 2nd, is July's #1 Indie Next pick and also will be a Bets On pick.

» Click here to enter the contest.'s 20th Annual Summer Reading Contests and Feature

Summer is here! At, this means it's time for us to share some great summer book picks with our Summer Reading Contests and Feature. We are hosting a series of 24-hour contests for these titles on select days through early August, so you will have to check the site each day to see the featured prize book and enter to win. We also are sending a special newsletter to announce the day's title, which you can sign up for here.

Our next contest will be up on Tuesday, July 9th at noon ET. The prize book will be MEET ME AT THE STARLIGHT by Rachel Hauck, a heartfelt tale of romance, perseverance and the enduring power of community set across three generations.

» Click here to read all the contest details and learn more about our featured titles.

An Interview with Robert J. Lloyd, Author of THE BEDLAM CADAVER: A Hunt & Hooke Novel

In late 17th-century London, rich young women are being kidnapped and then murdered. Harry Hunt, formerly of the Royal Society but now a rich gentleman, is falsely accused. To clear his name, he must rely on his abandoned scientific expertise and battle the full force of the British aristocracy in THE BEDLAM CADAVER, Robert J. Lloyd's third Hunt & Hooke mystery. In this interview conducted by Michael Barson, Senior Publicity Executive at Melville House, Lloyd discusses why he decided to set his latest novel at Bethlehem Hospital (aka Bedlam). He also explains how he handles science and medicine in his series and reveals the one person from another historical period he would like to make the subject of a book.

» Click here to read the interview.

Bookreporter Talks To...

As part of our mission to expand The Book Report Network, we have been shooting video interviews with authors and posting them on our YouTube channel. We also have been making them available as podcasts. Carol loves interviewing authors, so this feels like a natural.

Lisa Wingate's new work of historical fiction, SHELTERWOOD, will be a Bets On selection. She explains the origin of the story, a piece she found about a woman named Kate Barnard that sent her down a rabbit hole of learning more about the children known as “elf children” who lived in trees. They typically were Native American children who were sought after for the land rights that they owned after the Dawes Act went into effect as they were landowners. Lisa grew up in Eastern Oklahoma where the book is set and shares her history of the area, as well as her love of the Winding Stair Mountains where she frequently hikes. She and Carol also talk about shelterwood and the history that they were not really taught in school. Watch the video or listen to the podcast.

THE PARIS NOVEL is Ruth Reichl's new work of fiction and a Bets On pick. The concept for this book was born from a section in Ruth’s 2019 memoir, SAVE ME THE PLUMS, which prompted her longtime editor, Susan Kamil, to ask for a novel with that as a starting-off point. Ruth talks about why she set the book in the 1980s, as travel then was so different from what it is now. Yes, she dined at all the places mentioned in the book and remarks that she is surprised that more has not been written about Shakespeare and Company, and the Tumbleweeds who lived there. She also shares something personal from her childhood that influenced how she created the character of Stella. Watch the video or listen to the podcast.

Carol had the pleasure of chatting with Genevieve (Gwen) Kingston about her memoir, DID I EVER TELL YOU?, which is a Bets On title. When Gwen was three years old, her mother, Kristina, was diagnosed with breast cancer; she passed away when Gwen was 11. When Kristina realized that her cancer was terminal, she created a box filled with individual presents for each year through Gwen’s 30th birthday, as well as special occasion notes for events like engagement, marriage and first baby. With just those last three to open, Gwen explored what these treasures had meant to her along the way. She talks about taking this box with her from place to place as she moved across the country. Watch the video or listen to the podcast.

» Click here for a complete list of our "Bookreporter Talks To" videos and podcasts, along with upcoming interviews.

Latest Reviews

Bear by Julia Phillips - Fiction

Sam and Elena dream of another life. On the island off the coast of Washington where they were born and raised, they and their mother struggle to survive. Sam works on the ferry that delivers wealthy mainlanders to their vacation homes, while Elena bartends at the local golf club. But even together they can’t earn enough to get by, stirring their frustration about the limits that shape their existence. Then one night on the boat, Sam spots a bear swimming the dark waters of the channel. Where is it going? What does it want? When the bear turns up by their home, a terrified Sam is more convinced than ever that it’s time to leave the island. But Elena responds differently to the massive beast. Enchanted by its presence, she throws into doubt the desire to escape and puts their long-held dream in danger.

Luke Daniels receives a surprise visit from the head of a former CIA operation --- a failed attempt to assemble an espionage network within the Ukraine on the eve of the Russian invasion. It was during this mission that his friend, CIA case officer John Vince, was captured by Russian operatives and supposedly executed. But Luke is provided some shocking news. Vince is alive, in failing health, locked behind the walls of Russia’s brutal Solovetsky Island prison, and has a critical message he’ll give to no one but Luke. However, just as he manages to extract his friend from prison, Vince tragically dies, and his final words are rambling and incoherent. But they’re enough to plunge Luke into a hunt for something lost since the 15th century --- the legendary library of the first Tsar of All Russia, Ivan the Terrible.

January 1970. Ezekiel “Easy” Rawlins, LA’s premier Black detective, has a loving family, a beautiful home and a thriving investigation agency at 50 years old. All is right with the world…and then Amethystine Stoller, his own personal Helen of Troy, arrives. Her ex-husband is missing, which is a simple enough case. But even as Easy takes his first step in the investigation, he trips. He falls into the memory of things past --- little things, like loss, love, a world war, and a hunger that has eaten at him since he was a Black boy on his own on the streets of Fifth Ward, Houston, Texas. The missing ex, a young white man named Curt Fields, is found dead. Easy’s only real friend in the LAPD, Melvin Suggs, has gone into hiding rather than allow his femme fatale wife to go to the gas chamber. And that’s only the beginning. Easy finds himself pressed into a reckoning.

Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman - Supernatural Thriller/Horror

To eight-year-old Bela, her family is her world. There’s Mommy, Daddo and Grandma Ruth. But there is also Other Mommy, a malevolent entity who asks her every day, “Can I go inside your heart?” When horrifying incidents around the house signal that Other Mommy is growing tired of asking Bela the question over and over, Bela understands that unless she says yes, her family will soon pay. Other Mommy is getting restless, stronger and bolder. Only the bonds of family can keep Bela safe, but other incidents show cracks in her parents’ marriage. The safety Bela relies on is about to unravel. But Other Mommy needs an answer.

Some Murders in Berlin by Karen Robards - Historical Thriller

September 1943: Berlin is the heart of darkness --- and the last place Dr. Elin Lund wishes to be. An expert in psychological profiling, she’s been summoned from Copenhagen to investigate the gruesome murders of eight young women. Even in the midst of unspeakable evil, these killings stand apart. And with her homeland now under Nazi occupation and a young son to protect, Elin can’t refuse such a request. Homicide Detective Kurt Schneider, head of the criminal police unit, is grudging in his welcome. The orders to find the killer come from the top, and to fail means death. The stakes are too high to risk any mistakes --- or to trust a stranger. Yet the pair, trapped in an uneasy partnership, each has expertise the other needs. And Schneider, like Elin, is clearly guarding secrets of his own.

Finding Mr. Write by Kelley Armstrong - Romantic Comedy

Daphne McFadden already knows that as a female author, the cards are stacked against her. Now she knows just how much. Because her sudden whim to pose as an “outdoorsy hunk of masculinity” male author for her new book just resulted in the unthinkable: a bidding war, a huge book deal and the kind of fame every author dreams of. Now she’s in big trouble. Because she needs to convince the world that Zane Remington actually exists. But how? By hiring an actor, of course. Only Chris Stanton is not an actor. He’s used to balancing the books, not pretending he wrote one. Still, he’s mostly certain he can pose as some overly macho bro-author. But as the hype circus gets more out of control, it’s just a matter of time before someone discovers their little write lie.

Honey by Isabel Banta - Fiction

It is 1997, and Amber Young has received a life-changing call. It’s a chance thousands of girls would die for: the opportunity to join girl group Cloud9 in Los Angeles and escape her small town. She quickly finds herself in the orbits of fellow rising stars Gwen Morris, a driven singer-dancer, and Wes Kingston, a member of the biggest boy band in the world, ETA. As Amber embarks on her solo career and her fame intensifies, her rich interior life is frequently reduced. Surrounded by people who claim to love her but only wish to exploit her, and driven by a desire for recognition and success, for love and sex, for agency and connection, Amber comes of age at a time when the kaleidoscope of public opinion can distort everything and one mistake can shatter a career.

D-Day is one of history’s greatest and most unbelievable military and human triumphs. Though the full campaign lasted just over a month, the surprise landing of over 150,000 Allied troops on the morning of June 6, 1944, is understood to be the moment that turned the tide for the Allied forces and ultimately led to the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II. Now, bestselling author and historian Garrett M. Graff explores the full impact of this world-changing event --- from the secret creation of landing plans by top government and military officials and organization of troops, to the moment the boat doors opened to reveal the beach where men fought for their lives and the future of the free world.

Beverly Underwood and her arch enemy, Lula Dean, live in the tiny town of Troy, Georgia. Beverly is on the school board, and Lula has become a local celebrity by embarking on a mission to rid the public libraries of all inappropriate books --- none of which she’s actually read. To replace the “pornographic” books she’s challenged at the local public library, Lula starts her own lending library in front of her home. What she doesn’t know is that a local troublemaker has stolen her wholesome books, removed their dust jackets and restocked her library with banned books. One by one, neighbors who borrow books from Lula Dean’s library find their lives changed in unexpected ways. Finally, one of Lula’s enemies discovers the library and decides to turn the tables on her, just as Lula and Beverly are running against each other to replace the town’s disgraced mayor.

Spring, 2011. When 13-year-old Jolie Aspern goes down onto the subway tracks to retrieve her dropped phone --- and nearly gets hit by a train --- the last thing she wants is sympathy from her estranged dad, Ethan. A recovering addict and felon, Ethan has long struggled to see beyond himself. But when news of Jolie’s accident reaches him, Ethan comes to fear she’s in more serious trouble than anyone realizes. And believing he’s the only one who can save her, he decides to return home. So begins the journey of Jolie and Ethan. It will stretch from Manhattan in the midst of the Great Recession to a remote beach on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where their lives really began. In time, it will push Jolie out past her depth with a mysterious stranger, and Ethan in over his head with his first love --- Jolie’s mom.

The firefighting crew of Engine 99 has spent years rushing fearlessly into the hot zone of major fires across New York City. This tight-knit, four-person unit has faced danger head-on, saving countless lives and stopping raging fires before they can cause major destruction. They've also stolen millions from banks, jewelry stores and art galleries. Under the cover of saving the city, these men have used their knowledge and specialist equipment to become the most successful heist crew on the East Coast. Andy Nearland, the newest member of Engine 99, is good at keeping secrets. She's been brought on to help with their biggest job ever --- hitting New York's largest private storage facility, an expensive treasure trove for the rich and famous. She's also an undercover operative, charged with bringing the crew to justice.

Jimmie James spent his entire life defying the odds. He was born invisible. His birth certificate, long since filed away in some clerk’s office in East Texas, recorded facts about him that were deemed most relevant in the late 1950s: “colored” and “illegitimate.” His great-great-grandmother was enslaved, and his early life was confined by the privation and segregation of the late Jim Crow-era South. Four decades later, he embarked on his journey to play the 100 greatest golf courses in the United States. In a single year. From the first tee at Augusta National, the distance between the world he grew up in and the world of extreme privilege to which he’d now managed to gain access was impossible to ignore.