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Adam Gopnik


Adam Gopnik

Adam Gopnik is a staff writer at The New Yorker and has written for the magazine since 1986. He has won three National Magazine Awards for essays and for criticism. The author of numerous bestselling books, including PARIS TO THE MOON, he lives in New York City.

Adam Gopnik

Books by Adam Gopnik

by Adam Gopnik - Nonfiction, Personal Growth, Self-Help

Our society is obsessed with achievement. Young people are pushed toward the next test or the “best” grammar school, high school or college they can get into. Adults push themselves toward the highest-paying, most prestigious jobs, seeking promotions and public recognition. As Adam Gopnik points out, the result is not so much a rat race as a rat maze, with no way out. Except one: to choose accomplishment over achievement. Achievement, Gopnik argues, is the completion of the task imposed from outside. Accomplishment, by contrast, is the end point of an engulfing activity one engages in for its own sake. In ALL THAT HAPPINESS IS, Gopnik demonstrates that while self-directed passions sometimes do lead to a career, the contentment that flows from accomplishment is available to each of us.

by Adam Gopnik - Essays, Nonfiction

For decades now, Adam Gopnik has been one of our most beloved writers, a brilliantly perceptive critic of art, food, France and more. But recently, he became obsessed by a more fundamental matter: How do masters learn their miraculous skill, whether it was drawing a museum-ready nude or baking a perfect sourdough loaf? How could anyone become so good at anything? There seemed to be a fundamental mystery to mastery. Was it possible to unravel it? In THE REAL WORK --- the term magicians use for the accumulated craft that makes for a great trick --- Gopnik becomes a dedicated student of several masters of their craft. Rejecting self-help bromides and bullet points, he nevertheless shows that the top people in any field share a set of common qualities and methods.

by Adam Gopnik - Memoir, Nonfiction

When Adam Gopnik and his soon-to-be-wife, Martha, left the comforts of home in Montreal for New York, the city then, much like today, was a pilgrimage site for the young, the arty and the ambitious. But it was also becoming a city of greed, where both life's consolations and its necessities were increasingly going to the highest bidder. AT THE STRANGERS’ GATE builds a portrait of this particular moment in New York through the story of this couple's journey --- from their excited arrival as aspiring artists to their eventual growth into a New York family.

by Rube Goldberg, Geoff Spear, Adam Gopnik, Al Jaffee, Peter Maresca , Paul Tumey, and Brian Walker - Art, Comic Books, Graphic Novel

Not many of us make it into the dictionary as an adjective. But then again, Rube Goldberg was no ordinary noun. This collection celebrates all aspects of the artist's career, from his very first published drawings in his high school newspaper to his iconic inventions, his comic strips and advertising work, and his later Pulitzer Prize–winning political cartoons

by Adam Gopnik - Nonfiction

From the author of Paris to the Moon, a beguiling tour of the morals and manners of our present food mania, in search of eating’s deeper truths.