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Rob Leininger


Rob Leininger

Award-winning and USA Today bestselling author Rob Leininger grew up in California before joining the Navy. He served aboard heavy cruisers during the Vietnam War and also at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. He received a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Nevada, Reno, and worked on Trident missiles for Hercules, and “black” defense projects for Northrop Corp. GUMSHOE LUCK is the ninth novel in his bestselling Mortimer Angel Gumshoe series. Before deciding to write full-time, Leininger taught high school math in Reno, Nevada. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society, and of Pi Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Society. He now lives in Eureka, Montana.

Rob Leininger

Books by Rob Leininger

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

Mortimer Angel runs headlong into another girl and another adventure that twists and turns and ends up in places he never could have imagined. Like all the other Gumshoe novels, GUMSHOE LUCK is humorous, deadly and bawdy. [Note: The first book in the series, GUMSHOE, was nominated for a Shamus Award by the PI Writers of America for best PI novel of 2016. If you don't like sexy situations (written in an R-rated style, not X, not written explicitly), this won't be for you. A lot of people, however, like Mort's free-wheeling way of dealing with the world, and the women he meets along the way.]

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

Mortimer Angel, still a private eye in training, answers a strange, ominous invitation and ends up on the run with a gorgeous girl, Ella Kassel. Chased by unknown killers and wanted by the FBI, Mort and Ella must thread an investigative needle to determine who the real enemy is while they try to discover who murdered the deputy director of the FBI. In disguise and off the grid, Mort ends up in the deadliest situation of his career.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

The U.S. attorney general, Susan D. Kenny, is missing. She walked out of the DOJ building in D.C. without a word to anyone, caught a taxi, and...vanished. A week later, Mortimer Angel, private eye (in training) and reluctant finder of famous missing persons, is surreptitiously contacted by a Secret Service agent and asked to fly to the nation’s capital to use his ineffable brand of skill, talent or just plain luck to help find the still-missing attorney general. Mort declines that dubious honor, but less than 12 hours later he is taken at gunpoint by --- who else? --- a gorgeous girl and dragged into the most risqué and improbable case of his career.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

Kidnapped by a gorgeous girl in a casino bar in Reno, Mortimer Angel disappears for several days. When he finally makes contact with his friends and family, he's on a new case, one that takes him on more than one unexpected journey, then becomes a new case with more unexpected journeys. This time, Mort travels more roads than he has ever traveled before, and ends up in a place he never could have predicted.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

Nevada’s attorney general is missing. At dusk on a deserted Nevada highway in a thunderstorm, ex-IRS agent and PI-in-training Mortimer Angel comes across a pretty, scantily clad girl --- Harper Leeman. When Mort offers her a ride, she orders him out of his truck at gunpoint. She tries to take off, but he cuts the valve stem on the rear tire. Realizing she’s in trouble, he wants to help --- but with no spare tire, he devises a creative way to get them out of the hills. On their way down, a rough-looking man stops and asks Mort if he has “seen anyone up in the hills.” Mort realizes the guy is after Harper, who is hiding in the truck. Thus begins a cat-and-mouse chase in northeast Nevada that continues even after Mort finds the attorney general --- Harper’s mother --- dead in the trunk of a car.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

Early in July, northern Nevada’s senior Internal Revenue Service agent, Ronald Soranden --- disliked by every agent in the Reno IRS office --- vanished without a trace. In September, his skull is dropped through the slashed top of a Mustang convertible. The vehicle belongs to Lucy Landry, PI Mortimer Angel’s gorgeous young assistant now working with him on a seemingly unrelated embezzlement case. But Mort is a former IRS field agent in Reno who had done his time during the tyrannical reign of Soranden. When the FBI is brought in to investigate the murder, Mort and Lucy realize shocking details about their own case --- primarily Soranden’s involvement. It becomes evident that events and suspects of the embezzlement case and Soranden’s murder are heavily entangled with those enmeshed in an ugly case of blackmail.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

IRS agent-turned-PI Mortimer Angel is relaxing in a hole-in-the-wall bar in a Reno casino when an attractive young girl hires him to find out who left her a cryptic message demanding a million dollars. At the girl’s house, Mort finds the body of missing rapper Jonnie Xenon --- Jo-X to his legions of fans --- hanging from the rafters with two bullet holes in him. Mort is shocked when he learns the identity of the girl’s father --- and even more shocked when the father hires him to investigate the murder. Mort, being Mort, accumulates a few felonies as he follows the clues to Las Vegas. And along the way, he picks up an alluring young assistant who changes his life --- in every conceivable way.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

Ex-IRS agent turned gumshoe-in-training Mortimer Angel is approached by a beautiful hooker, Holiday, in a casino bar in Reno. Mort first met Holiday two months ago, but now learns that she’s not really a hooker. She’s a college engineering student, searching for her younger sister, Allie, who disappeared three months ago. While in the bar with Mort, Holiday gets an unexpected phone call from Allie, who says she’s in Gerlach, a small town in Nevada. The phone call is cut off. Holiday hires Mort on the spot, dragging him off to Gerlach. When Mort finds a connection between Allie and US Senator Harry Reinhart, a presidential candidate who vanished without a trace three days ago, things quickly turn deadly --- very deadly.

by Rob Leininger - Fiction, Mystery

For nine long days, the mayor and district attorney of Reno, Nevada, have been missing. Enter Mortimer Angel, Reno’s newest gumshoe, a private-eye-in-training at his nephew’s detective agency. Just four hours into his new career, Mort finds the mayor --- make that, the mayor’s head --- in the trunk of Mort’s ex-wife’s Mercedes. As events begin to spin out of control, Mort realizes that things have been out of control since the night before he started his new career, the night he found the unknown naked blonde in his bed.